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Article: Lots going on!

Lots going on!

Wow, there is a lot going on here at AC10 HQ.  First, lets talk about the actual AC10 HQ; we're moving!  Saying goodbye to Boston and heading South back to Virginia and the D.C. area in a couple of weeks.  I'm from that area originally so its like going back home and I'm looking forward to it.

In other news PAX East was a *HUGE* success!  We definitely plan on doing it again next year. As for additional cons this season I just sent off the paperwork to do two Wizard World Comic-cons in Philadelphia and Richmond in the next few months.  I'm also 90% sure we have a space at GenCon as well.  I might try to squeak in a few smaller regional cons if I can swing it.

The website has been getting steadily more and more visits and orders, which is also great. I think the next year is going to a really good one for ArmorClass10!

I just added a customer email list so we can communicate more directly with our fans.  Every time I turn around Facebook tweaks their code so less people see our posts.  The only answer to that is to spend more money on advertising with them.  On one hand I'm happy with the exposure I've gotten on Facebook but I also understand the need to grow my *own* fan base and not have Facebook acting as the middle-man when I want to reach them.  Hence, the mailing list.

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Adding Re-Roll certificates to our packing slips

I've been screwing around with our back end software and I think I have figured out how to add Free Re-Roll Certificates to our packing slips!  

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Amazon coming soon!

I'm jumping through the hoops to get our stuff listed on Amazon.  Have to make sure my images meet the criteria they are looking for.  Here is the first one I did for them:  

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