Shazam! was such a fun ride!

Saw Shazam! last night with some friends, and I have to say that DC finally nailed it. Go see this movie.


It was also funny as all get-out!  So fun.  There were a few intense scenes where the bad guys is doing bad guy things; but even those had a lot of very funny elements to them.  It was hilarious.


I won't get all spoilery or anything; but I loves so much about this movie.  The world building with the introduction of who Shazam is and how he got his power was really well done.  I wanted to learn more; so much was hinted at that you just knew there was a much larger back-story going on.  (That I'm sure will drive back issue and graphic novel sales.)  


 I'm a big fan of taking these older stories and re-imagining them for today's audience.  Shazam pulled this off really well.  I'm an old school comic nerd, but I always made mine Marvel.  Sure, I knew who Shazam was but never really read any comics about him.  (The same can be said for Guardians off the Galaxy!) Watching this movie sparked interest in maybe picking up some graphic novels and exploring  some of his comic book history. 


And finally; in the third act during the big showdown with the movie villain; I honestly did not see the "twist" coming. It is rare for a movie to genuinely surprise me any more; and this one did.  (In a very good way!)  Looking back I can see the elements were there all along, but the story tellers did a masterful job of leading us on this adventure that only after the payoff did I see what they had truly set up and pulled off.


The sequel was nicely set up, so count me in!  Oh and in true Marvel fashion; there are two end credit scenes worth sticking around for.


Five Stars! Two Thumbs Up. Ooh, maybe I should be giving it an "ArmorClass" scale? I give this movie an AC of 10.  (Venom got an AC of like 3, with Disadvantage on all saves.) :-)


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