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Article: Almost Halfway through Kickstarter #3

Almost Halfway through Kickstarter #3

There are 17 days left on our 3rd Kickstarter project and we are rolling right along.  Our first Kickstarter ran exactly one year ago (give or take a few weeks).  I have noticed a few differences, as well as gathered some additional data based on the smaller project we ran between the two.

With this project, I alerted all of our previous backers and set up an early-bird special for them.  I credit that with blowing through our initial funding goal in less than a day.  To be fair, I did set the funding goal a bit lower than I really wanted, but high enough to ensure I can deliver shirts to anyone who backs us!  My "real" goal is $4,000 and we are on track to do just that.  Anything over that and stretch goals kick in, which is great but not a requirement.

I'm finding less traffic "discovering" us this time around compared to last year.  I suspect it is because of the growth of the Kickstarter site in general, with more and more projects to get lost in.  I did change the title to include the word "RPG" in hopes of finding more traffic but I haven't noticed much of a difference.  There is no way to assign "tags" to your project; Kickstarter does that.  If we could get the #RPG tag I think it would help but I'm not sure how to go about it.

I'm still experimenting and I think our next project might be a small, three or four shirt one with a $1,000 funding goal and a video so we can get listed in the "Small Projects" category and see what that will do for discovery.  I think I'd also like to branch out and try Indigogo once to see how it compares.

It's been a great year since we launched, and I've sold a fair amount of shirts!  I really want to keep building on what we started and take this venture to the next level.


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